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Magnus Carlsson
Beigetreten 2010-01-18


Thank you for your comment, Jutta. Magnus Carlsson
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Playing Arctic Fox. Wonderful creatures!
Ton in Ton..
Well spotted and performed. Like it!
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Pity the bird wasn't facing your way but this on really has got potential. Keep up the good work!
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Haubentaucher (Podiceps cristatus)
Like everything about it. Spot on!
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Sie singen wieder... ND
Lovely bird. Lovely photo. Well done!
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Der Nebelfischer
Painting with light - which really is what photography is all about. Wonderful!
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Balzender Fasan
Perfect shutter speed and cracking image. Well done!
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Auf der Jagd
Congratulations to a great shot, Sven!
Birkhenne kampf
Black Grouse at the lek site. Photo taken in April, northern Sweden.
Rotfuchs und Birkhähne
Rotfuchs der schaut über die Birkhahn Balz.
Ein Fasan sieht rot 2
Camoflaged? :) Lovely colors and photo. Congratulations! Magnus
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Fantastic! Thank you for sharing. Magnus
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Wonderful capture! Now we just need a clear sky and some luck with the weather... Magnus
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In ganzer Schönheit
Gorgious plumage. Nice capture! Magnus
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Spießente /Anas acuta) Vollbremsung
Congratulations on a wonderful photo. You certainly nailed that one!
Es geht wieder los
I can't pinpoint what it is but raptors are gorgious. Lovely photo.
Cheetah's Sunset
Yes, I do have a faiblesse for beautiful sunsets and silhouettes but this one is not only great but well performed. Well spotted to center the Cheetah. Magnus
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Spikey the hedgehog
The bucket, the hedgehog, the autumn colors... Lovely, Edwin!
Der Wachposten!
Simply as cute as they come. Like the tones and composition a lot.
Steinbock bei Sonnenaufgang
Wonderful light, a beautiful scene and, above all: Well done! Magnus
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Doppelte Doppelzunge
A very beautiful scene. Well planned and taken photo. Magnus
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Gnus im glühenden Kalahari-Sand
Love everything about this image, Henry. Never tried submitting it for print as a poster? Magnus
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Flug ins neue Jahrzehnt
Like this photo very much. The leaning shoreline adds to the movement. Keep up the good work!
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Flug durch den Schnee!
Wonderful photo but a pity on the snowflake in front of the right eye.
Seehunde - Bitte 30 m Abstand halten
Thank you for the story. What a cute creature!
seltener Wintergast... Sterntaucher, juv. *Gavia stellata*
Lovely birds and photo, Ralph. Looking forward to welcoming them back up to northern Scandinavia this Spring.
" Jump "
Like this photo very much. The high ISO doesn't bother me but would have prefer capturing the birds a few mm higher up but this obviously happens extremely fast. Nice!
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Thank you, Michael.
Beautiful and difficult subject to photograph. Well done with the light set-up. The thumbnail doesn't look completely sharp but I'm sure that's just the thumbnail. Good work!
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Wonderful birds. Magnificient photo. Magnus
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Ein Paar Hühner
Beautiful picture and birds, Mike.
Birkhähne auf der Balz. Foto im Nordschweden aufgenommen.
Vielen Dank für die Begrüßung und Ihre Kommentare - hat mich sehr gefreut.
Auerhahn auf der balz. Bild im nord-Schweden genommen. Magnus Carlsson
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