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Remus Moise
Beigetreten 2009-11-11


Aricia cramera
Hello all, These are the first lycaenidae sp of the year and these days I found some new colonies. This image was captured late evening at 20:55 PM on a very cloudy day.I decided to use a remote flash a few meters away, just to punch up the contrast and create the rim light around the subject.Also the slow sutther speed helps to reveal more details around the butterfly. I hope you´ll like it. best wishes from Madrid, Remus
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Vipera seoanei
Fantastic image! what a lovely pose and the focus is just perfect. Superb work! Best regards, Remus
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Argynnis pandora
Hello all, This is Pandora, a beautiful butterfly which I chased it all the past week. I captured it in different poses which I´ll post them in the next days. I hope you enjoy the first one. Best all from Madrid, Remus
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Bombylius major
Hello all, One capture from today. Taken in Dos Barrios/Castilla la Mancha a famous butterfly place but today wasn´t my day. Thanks for looking, Remus
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Moorfrosch (Rana arvalis)
Hello Dirk, the clarity of this image is superb. Magnificent pose with the both frogs on focus, the reflection is great too. Focus and low level perspective are the best. Perfectly done! best regards, Remus
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Ein Portrait
Outstanding work Kai! A beautiful portrait captured with brilliant tehnique. Best all, Remy
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Gottesanbeterin - Mantis religiosa
Fantastic view of this beatiful female pregnant mantis. The focus is the perfect one and I like the bright background. Exquisite tehnique for a fine image. Best all, Remus
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Heimkehr der Kraniche
What a magic capture, Tobias! Really like this unique arrangement-the birds looks like ghosts. Excellent work! Regards, Remus
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Sympecma fusca 2012
Hello all, One of the first damselfly shot this year. I hope you like it! Regards, Remus
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Hello Harald, Fantastic capture with superb light, magic background and the composition is just the right one. I really enjoy it! Remus
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Hello all, One from the past summer. Thanks for your time, Remus
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Hoch über der Mosel
Hello Harald, Fantastic creature captured in beautiful pastel ambiance. Colours are superb and the frontal view works really fine. Love the details also. Great work! Remus
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Hello Roland, I really enjoy your beautiful image. You create a beautiful and elegant composition,the background is just magic and the butterfly poses perfectly for you. Lovely image very well captured. Best regards, Remus
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Gebänderte Prachtlibellen m/w  (calopteryx splendens)
Excellent again Klaus! Really enjoy those beautiful colors and those delicate "models" are just beautiful. Regards, Remus
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Gomphus pulchellus
Hello Ralph, Masterful tehnique used to create a superb image. Fantastic composition,colors and a wonderful background. Excellent work! Regards and best all on the next year 2012! Remy
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Gebänderte Prachtlibelle (m)  (calopteryx splendens) mit Stechmücke (Aedes sp.)
Hello Klaus, A superb image captured with such an exquisite tehnique. Colors and light are magnificent-perfect for the scene. Regards, Remus
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morning has broken
Hello Harald, Fantastic image captured in perfect light with excellent arrangement and very good focus. A real pleasure to look at. Best regards, Remus
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Ballet dancer
Hello all, A beautiful Amophila sp founded on a very cold morning this past autumn. Love their elegant bodies and they´re poses very well...... when they´re sleeping of course! Best all on 2012! Remus
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Fantastic image Heinz! The smooth background is simply beautiful, superb pink colors and focus too. Best all, Remus
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Ein Lebenszeichen
Hello Christoph, I really like your image for the unique scene very well arranged by you. The background is superb, very good sharpness and light also. I imagine the frog trying to cathc one of these damselfies. Best all, Remus
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Gonepteryx cleopatra
Fantastic image Peter! Light is superb, fantastic colours with amazing background and the butterfly is super focused. Extreme beauty! Regards, Remus
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Gonepteryx cleopatra
Fantastic image Peter! Light is superb, fantastic colours with amazing background and the butterfly is super focused. Extreme beauty! Regards, Remus
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Nemoptera bipennis
Hello all, One of our most beautiful insects from here. Thanks for looking, Remy
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Unbelievable capture Klaus! Superb light, focus and magnification. A Top Klasse shot. Congrats, Remy
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Eucera longicornis
Hello all, Sorry my first post here after long time and I´m not sure I did it well. This image was captured this past spring in a very cold morning.A pair of beautiful Eucera longicornis solitary bee species. I was quite pleased by the background colours because of the green fields but this is just on springtime. After a month or so everything is dry but this is it! What can we do? I hope you enjoy it, Remy
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hello all, this shot was taken yesterday with my broken MP-E. I hope you like it, Remus
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Dark zone
Hello there! Thanks a lot for your comment. I live in south region of Madrid city is called Valdemoro(we have them here also) but a bit more far from about 20KM in Aranjuez is the Mantodea paradise. I found the mantis religiosa,Iris oratoria y Empusa. Best all, Remus
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Dark zone
Hello all, Well..this is one of our most common mantis species-they´re everywhere. I took this shot with the my 5D MkII thinking to give it some oportunity to work a bit(I´m a deep fan of my 550D ) and I was surprised by the effect achived using the Liveview option. I also have the same shot with "good" exposure taken through the viewfinder but the contrast focus of the Live View works fine (at least I guess) on this one. I was pleased by the misterious dark ambiance. I hope you enjoy
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Hello Charly, Superb image.Impressive sharpness,excellent light use and the composition is very well presented also. Be well, Remy
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Hello Franz, Wonderful image of this beautiful hoverfly. Excellent clarity and superb light. I really enjoy it, Remy
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Iris oratoria
hello all, This is one of our most common mantis species.Is quite bigger than Mantis religiosa sp.and their wings are shorter than body lenght and not transparent like the mantis wings. I hope you enjoy it, Remus
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Hello Silvia, Excellent quality picture.The perspective is the pefect one,great sharpness and excellent light. I like it very much, Remus
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~ Der Postillion ~
Hello Martin, For that´s why this shot is on the forum cover! fantastic light use,excellent sharpness and the composition is really exquisite. Brilliant work, Remy
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Mantis religiosa
Hello Kai, Superb pose of this beautiful mantis.Very good sharpness and the light control could not be any better. Superb image! Best all, Remus
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~ Deutschlands giftigste Spinne ~
Hello Angela, I really like your picture.Lovely bright background,very nice perspective and the sharpness is just perfect. As usual a great work from you! Best regards, Remy
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Anax imperator
Hello there, This is a nature reward.I was searching them for a few years ago.We usually have small species here like Sympetrum or Trithemis species but this year I was totally surprised by the huge number of big dragonflies species.My area is a very dry one-I don´t know froem where they are coming but anyway is a good sign. I hope you enjoy it, Remus
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*Im Morgenlicht*
Hello Erwin, Indeed the wings reflections are just great.Great sharpness,composition and of course....the light. Best all, Remus
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Hello Charly, Excellent explanation about the "middle crisis". The shot is just perfect in all the POW. Be well, Remy
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hello Torsten, I just love the low perspective....and the sharpnes could not be any better. Excellent picture! regards, Remus
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Hello Helmut, A wonderful sand wasp captured very nice.The light is very good and I like the sharpness also. How do you find the 5D MkII for makro? I have it also but I still not handle it. Be well, Remus
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Conopid fly
Hello all, A wondeful conopid fly taken a fewdays ago. thanks for your time, Remus
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Lycosa narbonensis
Hello there, One of the biggest ground spiders in Europe.They are called South France spider also but I was lucky to find it right here(Madrid-Valdemoro) on my bike routes.It is a very fast creature but after a few second of running it´s stopped for a few seconds and this gave me some instants to take a few shots of it.I hope you like it, Remus
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Hello Sabine, For my taste it´s a good looking picture.The sharpness looks ok,I like the colors also and the composition but I´m sure I will not the only who think that the background is not the perfect one.Try to use a more open apperture to get clean backgrounds and this is how you´ll make the subject really stand out. Best all, Remus
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Empis tesselatta
Hello all, a dancefly from today. Taken with Mp-E 65 at 2:1 mag and natural light. Be well and thanks for looking, Remus
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Syrphus ribesii
Hello all, A hoverfly taken yesterday early in the morning.Thanks for looking, Remus
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Trithemis annulata?
Hello all, One from the last autumn.I´m not sure about the ID but it looks like
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Salticidae view
Hallo Angela, Wir danken Ihnen sehr für Ihre comentario.Estoy sicher, Sie haben Recht in Bezug auf das Bein, das geschnitten, aber manchmal ist es unmöglich, den ganzen Körper konzentriert haben und noch mehr nahtlos Upgrades. Ich war hinter diese Spinne über 40 Minuten auf dem Boden liegen warten gestoppt werden mindestens eine Sekunde. best regards, Remus
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Salticidae view
Hello there, This is a jumper portrait taken a few days ago.I had to use flash because the magnification was extreme (more than 5:1).I hope you enjoy it, Remus
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Hello all, One from this past autumn.Thanks for looking, Remus
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Hallo, Who said there is no life in winter? I found this beautiful wolfspider a few days ago in a dead tree area.Very active but after a few attempts I finally get a few frames.I hope you enjoy it, Remus.
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